Monday, December 5, 2011

merry sinterklaas!

i should really post more often. i feel like i'm forgetting a lot of stuff. whoops. time seriously flies here.
so, we had another project due last week. we had to make a gospel tract. mine wasn't very creative but i'm sure it was fine...  also, homework means no exercise. i'm legitimately more tired when i don't work out. who knew?
anyway, i believe saturday was where i left off....
sunday was the usual. monday, tuesday, wednesday were spent trying to be a good student & working on my project. i got it turned in on time. jill & stuart briscoe were our lecturers all week. if you don't know who they are, google them or something. they're amazing. thursday was spent doing nothing & then getting ready for 'special night'. i'm sure you've seen the pictures by now. if not, go look.... cute, hey? well, that was fun. it was technically not for american thanksgiving, but it totally was. turkey & potatoes & green beans. {the green beans didn't have those french-fried onions on them though... } we took a ton of pictures after. then, we had a dance in the gym. people here have been doing ballroom & swing & latin dancing, so that was happening...someone else started a better dance party in the basement of the castle. it was fun. we danced 'til lockup. on friday, we had a seminar about personal finance. i seriously hate money & i'm terrible at managing it, so i wasn't a fan. friday night, we helped this organization called radio bible class do a huge mailing. they distribute gospel tracts & devotionals & such. on saturday, we went to a premier football game in bolton. we got cheaper tickets for promising to cheer for the home team. our team lost... disappointing. it was fun though. legit. on sunday, my friend did the sermon. it was great. after church, we were all sitting around being boring in our room & then we decided to decorate our room. we raided the craft closet upstairs & made snowflakes & paper chains. a tree branch & some holly in a vase is our christmas tree. it's lovely.  last week, one of the staff here did a lecture series about the holy spirit. {i'm sorry, i really don't remember much about last week.} monday night, we all put our mattresses on the floor & had a slumber party & watched a movie. wednesday was my roommate brittany's birthday. & noodle night. what is noodle night? well, a bunch of the guys collected money & bought a ton of ramen noodles & cooked them all. yep. that's it. it was delicious. then, we had a dance party & treats in our room. dance parties are kind of the norm in here. on friday, i went to the town of kendal for some shopping. we bought this trip at the auction. did i tell about he auction? raising money for the kenya missions trip? i don't remember. well, it was just a few pounds & we got to go to kendal for a few hours. my roommate victoria needed a dress, so that's all we did. friday was family night. i can't remember if i've talked about family groups... well, we're all split up into groups here & there are a few members of staff for each group to be the parents. we have family nights where we all get together & do something. this time, we had a pyjama {proper british spelling} party & made gingerbread houses & watched home alone. i love my family. :) on saturday, our boys' football {soccer} team was playing a game in carnforth so jamie & briar & elyssa & i went after brunch to cheer for them. it was freezing & windy & we won. that night, we had a three-on-three basketball tournament. we made signs & screamed loudly. 
by the way, no-shave november is over. there are many mustaches & soul patches around here. too good. 
i got a christmas package from my family. it made me this happy :))))))))))))
this morning, we had church in the lounge. there was a fire going & the entire study body was packed in there.
{i meant to post on wednesday but the internet has been mostly off all week. it's actually not working as i'm typing this. so, frustating. nothing like missing multiple skype dates with my sister...}
today is dutch christmas. merry sinterklaas!
the end.


  1. you are happy and i am happy. there are 12 smiles because of our Christmas package which makes me this happy :-))))))))))))) see you soon and love you forever!

  2. can't wait till we can get a calling card and finally chat! I miss you. thanks for updating us on what's going on. sounds like you're having a blast. I love you!
